A business out of doing your business?

There are many reasons why the United Nations created a World Toilet Day (October 19th).  Most of them are pretty straightforward – bringing awareness to the simple disease prevention, environmental, and social benefits of having a sanitary private place to do your business.  Some of the benefits are surprising – such as having a direct positive correlation with girls attending school.  We can all understand how a toilet can raise our quality of life.  But when the Bill Gates foundation announced a “Reinvent the Toilet” competition with one of the requirements being that the toilets need to cost no more than a nickel a day to operate, several of the new designs proposed the unthinkable – making profit from waste.  Some business from your private business concepts: make fertilizer, generate electricity, and even farm high-protein grubs for animal feed!

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About rwlindsay

I live in León, Nicaragua, between volcanos and crocodile filled mangrove forests. I'm on the board of SosteNica, a socially responsible investment organization from the U.S. and working freelance to support organic and fair trade agriculture for both local and export markets. I'm happy to be part of a vibrant movement creating innovative ways of encouraging the implementation of methods of farming that are environmentally sustainable as well as profitable for small farmers. I think our society needs to change our value system to encourage sustainability and self-satisfaction in life over constant economic growth. Dancing, gardening, supporting local business and community, working with design, art, and handcrafts, and cooking with lots of local vegetables are a few other things I enjoy.

1 thought on “A business out of doing your business?

  1. Pingback: Black Gold « Sustainable Farming in Nicaragua

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